Table of Contents
Various useful things from my .emacs
1. General text-processing functions
1.1. Do anything to each line in the buffer or region
(E.g., number some lines)
(defun btv/replace-lines (f) (let ((begin (point-min)) (end (point-max))) (when (use-region-p) (setq begin (region-beginning)) (setq end (region-end)) ) (save-excursion (goto-char begin) (let* ((s (filter-buffer-substring (point) end 'delete)) (r (string-join (mapcar f (split-string s "\n")) "\n"))) (insert r) )) )) ;; Assuming lexical binding is on. (defun btv/numberize () (interactive) (let ((n 0)) (btv/replace-lines (lambda (l) (setq n (+ 1 n)) (format "%d. %s" n l)))) )
2. GitHub functions
2.1. Go to the current file in GitHub
(Or copy the link to it, with prefix arg)
;; Taken (with modifications) from (defun btv/get-buffer-file-url () (let ((rev (magit-rev-abbrev "HEAD")) (repo (forge-get-repository 'stub)) (file (magit-file-relative-name buffer-file-name)) (highlight (if (use-region-p) (let ((l1 (line-number-at-pos (region-beginning))) (l2 (line-number-at-pos (- (region-end) 1)))) (format "#L%d-L%d" l1 l2)) "" ))) (forge--format repo "https://%h/%o/%n/blob/%r/%f%L" `((?r . ,rev) (?f . ,file) (?L . ,highlight))))) (defun btv/forge-browse-buffer-file (prefix) (interactive "P") (let ((f (if prefix 'kill-new 'browse-url))) (funcall f (btv/get-buffer-file-url))))
3. Comment processing
3.1. Mark a block of consecutive comments
(defun btv/find-comments-region () (save-excursion (let* ((syn (syntax-ppss)) (cur-com-begin (and (nth 4 syn) (nth 8 syn)))) (if cur-com-begin (goto-char cur-com-begin))) (let ((begin (point))) (while (forward-comment -1) (setq begin (point))) (let ((result)) (while (forward-comment 1) (setq result `(,begin . ,(point)))) result)))) (defun btv/mark-comments () (interactive) (let ((region (btv/find-comments-region))) (when region (goto-char (car region)) (set-mark (cdr region)) t)))
3.2. Auto-fill them (i.e., intelligently linebreak)
(defun btv/fill-comments () (interactive) (save-mark-and-excursion (if (btv/mark-comments) (fill-paragraph nil t))))
4. Projectile functions
4.1. Visit all files matching a regex
(defun btv/projectile-open-files-by-regex (r) (interactive "M") (let* ((project-root (projectile-acquire-root)) (files (projectile-project-files project-root)) (match (--filter (string-match r it) files))) (dolist (elt match) (find-file (expand-file-name elt project-root)))))
5. xref functions
5.1. Set up M-[ to find references to the defun at point in various modes
(defun btv/lispy-goto-defun-identifier () (and (beginning-of-defun) (sp-down-sexp) (sp-next-sexp))) (defun btv/ts-goto-defun-identifier () (let ((dfn (treesit-defun-at-point))) (let ((id (and dfn (--first (equal (treesit-node-type it) "identifier") (treesit-node-children dfn))))) (and id (goto-char (treesit-node-start id)))))) (setq btv/goto-defun-identifier-function `((go-mode . ,(lambda () (and (go-beginning-of-defun) (goto-char (match-beginning 2))))) (emacs-lisp-mode . ,#'btv/lispy-goto-defun-identifier) (clojure-mode . ,#'btv/lispy-goto-defun-identifier) (rust-ts-mode . ,#'btv/ts-goto-defun-identifier))) (defun btv/find-defun-references () (interactive) (let ((f (alist-get major-mode btv/goto-defun-identifier-function))) (if f (save-excursion (if (funcall f) (xref-find-references (substring-no-properties (thing-at-point 'symbol))) (error "not in defun"))) (error "no goto defun identifier function found for this major mode")))) (dolist (it btv/goto-defun-identifier-function) (let* ((mode-name (symbol-name (car it))) (mode-hook (intern (concat mode-name "-hook"))) (mode-map (intern (concat mode-name "-map")))) (add-hook mode-hook (lambda () (define-key (symbol-value mode-map) (kbd "M-[") 'btv/find-defun-references)))))
6. Miscellaneous functions
6.1. Look up a word in Wiktionary
(defun btv/wiktionary-at-point (arg) (interactive "P") (let* ((wap (word-at-point)) (word (if (or arg (not wap)) (read-no-blanks-input "Word to look up: " wap) wap))) (when word (eww (format "" word)))))